Lorelle Holland

Profile photo of Lorelle Holland

2024 Fellow

Lorelle is a proud Aboriginal woman with spiritual and cultural connections to Mandandanji Country (Roma, Queensland). She has had a rewarding and challenging career as a registered nurse in various clinical, management, educational, clinical facilitation, remote area nursing, and research roles for more than 35 years.

Lorelle completed a Master of Public Health (MPH) in the field of Indigenous Health at the University of Queensland (UQ) in 2020. She presently holds a teaching and research academic position as a Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Social Work and as an Affiliate Lecturer with the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, UQ. She is also a PhD Candidate enrolled at the Child Health Research Centre, UQ and is a recipient of a NHMRC PGS.

Lorelle’s PhD research seeks to codesign a culturally responsive prevention framework of care that will embody the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities to enact powerful resistance to the incarceration of children.

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